If you wear glasses and are now required to wear hearing aids for the first time or if you have never worn glasses before you may be wondering if the two can coexist. Since they both usually rest behind your ears wearing them simultaneously can initially be quite uncomfortable especially if you wear behind-the-ear hearing aids. But it’s actually quite acceptable and almost undetectable to wear glasses with hearing aid once you know how.
How To Wear Glasses With Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aids?
Due to their great power behind the ear (BTE) hearing aids are appropriate for all severity levels of hearing loss but they work best for moderate to severe hearing loss. An earpiece that rests inside the ear opening is connected to the main plastic body of the hearing aid by a tube. Those who would rather not have anything inside their ear canals may find them more comfortable because they typically sit outside or on top of your ear.
Wearing Glasses With Hearing Aids With Receivers In The Canal
In the UK, the most common type of hearing aids are called receiver-in-the-canal (RITC). BTE and RITC hearing aids are remarkably similar. A very discrete case rests behind the ear of RITC hearing aids, while the speaker of BTE hearing aids is located inside the device behind the ear, and the sound is transmitted through the tube. This is the primary distinction between the two types of hearing aids. In addition to being somewhat easier to wear with glasses, RITC hearing aids are typically smaller than BTE hearing aids. Regardless of the severity of your hearing loss, they are appropriate for the majority of people. For those managing eye care at home, choosing comfortable and compact hearing aids like RITC can make daily routines more convenient and stress-free.
How To Use Glasses With In-The-Ear Hearing Aids?
For those who lack sufficient space behind their ears to accommodate both glasses for blind people and behind-the-ear aids, in-the-ear devices (ITE) are a fantastic substitute. They also fit people well who find it difficult to wear a hearing aid behind their ear due to small ears or irregular ear shapes. A discreet placement inside the ear canal means that this style of hearing aid won’t rub against the temples of glasses for blind people.
Custom-fitted to your ear shape ITE hearing aids provide a snug and comfortable fit. Depending on how severe your hearing loss is wearing ITE hearing aids may not always be an option even though some people may prefer them. For people with mild to moderate hearing loss ITE aids are more appropriate. To determine the kind of hearing aid that is best for you consult an audiologist.
How To Wear Glasses With Hearing Aids?
To put on BTE hearing aids with glasses comfortably follow these easy instructions.
1. When your hearing aid is not in your ear it is easier to secure your glasses so put them on first. Ensure that the temples rest on the tops of your ears and that they are aligned with your eyes.
2. After that place your hearing aid gently between your ear and the glass end piece.
3. Make sure the hearing aid is positioned as close to the outside of your ear as possible and that it fits comfortably. It is not appropriate for your hearing aid to protrude from your ear. Purchase clips and other accessories to secure your hearing aid in place by connecting hearing aid glasses clip for an additional layer of security. Certain BTE hearing aids can also have sports locks attached to keep them in place which is great if you lead an extremely active lifestyle.

4. To prevent knocking off your hearing aid take off and, on your glasses, very gently with both hands in a forward motion without tilting them. Tilt the temples forward just a tiny bit when you feel them brush against the back of your ear.
5. Once your hearing aid is in perform this several times in front of a mirror. If you want to prevent damage to your hearing aid practice this at home and make sure you are standing on a soft surface such as a carpet or rug. Until you develop the habit of putting your glasses on and off in this manner be patient and keep trying.
Which Eyewear Is Ideal For Use With Hearing Aids?
With most hearing aids on glasses wearing is comfortable. If you wear behind-the-ear hearing aids in particular we advise you to avoid designs with thick temples. A thin metal or acetate frame with flexible spring hinges is what you should try. The temples on your glasses should also be somewhat long. They ought to curvaceously encircle your ears and be the proper length. Thus, you can simply find a design that fits you based on your unique measurement’s sunglasses for hearing aid wearers. You can also decide to make minor adjustments to your glasses on your own or you can ask your optician to take care of them for you.
Maintain And Clean Your Hearing Aids With Glasses
At all costs put hygiene first and maintain a clean environment. Imagine the amount of bacteria that could exist in your glasses and hearing aids if you don’t clean them—we’re not trying to scare you. So remember these tips for good hygiene.
1. Before putting on your glasses with hearing aids thoroughly wash your hands.
2. Before inserting your hearing aids make sure your ears are clean.
3. Before and after using your glasses and hearing aids wipe them down with a soft dry cloth.
4. Use a wire loop or wax pick to remove any accumulated wax from your hearing aid.
5. Seek the advice of an ear or eye care specialist for deep cleaning or adjustments.
Take Into Account A Few More Accessories
A third element can still be useful even when you’re attempting to fit two items together as closely as possible. Depending on your needs and way of life accessories may occasionally be important.
Cords And Retainers
A retainer or a cord can keep your glasses safely around your neck if you frequently misplace them or fall off.
Bands And Clips
While a band holds the spectacles on your head a clip allows you to wear them with your clothes. Some bands also feature tiny pockets that you can use to store your hearing aids. changes to hearing aids that are specially fitted.
Customization Is The Way To Go If Your Hearing Aids Are Falling Out
You can adjust them to precisely fit your ear and your specifications. Using hearing aids and glasses together shouldn’t be difficult. Although they can make your day easier glasses and hearing aids present certain difficulties of their own. For example, it could be difficult to wear both if you’re not used to them. Your glasses could fall off due to the hearing aid. However, if your glasses are too big they may fall off your face. Before purchasing hearing aid glasses, you should take these minor factors into account. So, use the practical advice listed above to eliminate that inconvenience. Everything else will be easy and comfortable if you can locate a pair of specs that match your hearing aid.